(Docmaker) HTML & PDF Quote-maker (or other docs?) This is how to Generate Customized PDFs with Personalized Contact & Custom Data Print

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This is how you can generate HTML & PDF-documents with customized data to your contacts and you'll be able to track clicks on links in them.

It's even possible to send a link to the produced HTML or PDF doc in order to track clicks to it.

With a docmaker you can do things like

Pre-fill and just send or print the following types of documents:

  • Agreements/Contracts
  • Order acknowledgements
  • Quotes
  • Letters
  • Cover pages
  • Product brochures
  • Business proposals
  • Investment proposals
  • Etc.

The Otto docmaker API included in Otto Enterprise let's you create any HTML and PDF documents you like, and it comes pre-filled with a few examples ready to use such as Agreement, Quote, Cover Page, Letter etc. It also contains examples of how to create the tables, insertions of images, foot-notes, headers & footers that you'd need.

So what can you do with a trackable PDF & HTML Docmaker that is interactive?

With a docmaker, you can pre-populate both html and pdf-documents with user and contact data, and you can even make link-clicks in both PDFs and HTML-documents trackable to make dynamic live and interactive custom-built PDF-documents for your contacts where you'll be able to see whether they have taken any actions or not.

Why a PDF & HTML docmaker, and not Microsoft Excel (.xls/.xlsx), Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt/.pptx) or Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) documents turned into PDF or converted to PDF?

You will need to convey information to your contacts, but retain the integrity of the data, and you will need to allow the contact to print this kind of information and you will want to make every document unique. Only PDFs will allow you to do it fully, and only with a tool such as this docmaker with Otto's tracker-capability will allow you to also track whether the contact has taken any actions by clicking on links in it or not.

A bunch of extras included with the docmaker:

The docmaker comes in Otto® Enterprise Marketing Automation & Management Solution, that will also give you:

  • Lead Capturing
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Lead Scoring
  • IP tracking
  • Newsletter send-out
  • One-to-one e-mail like if from Outlook send-out to 100s, 1 000s or 10 000s.
  • Market planning
  • Lead & Contact Management (which can be used as a stand-alone CRM or integrateable with CRM-systems like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, SugarCRM, SAP, Oracle, Lundalogik and others)

Sign up for a demonstration to see if it fits your need or not!

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