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Snart så kommer du att veta allt du behöver veta om Google Analytics, Webbkonvertering, GDPR, Content Marketing och Marketing Automation.
Strategic Workshop resulting in Sales and Marketing Action-Plan
€0,00EUR + €2.475,00EUR Setup Fee One Time
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Marketing Automation Certification (incl. Otto Standard Trial) [CRT]
Online webinars Starts on Friday at 13.30 CET Time
For a total of four (4) Weeks Duration
3 x 45 min webinars (re-play video will be available after) plus exercises and a final on-line exam plus a Marketing Automation system for the duration of your certification period (Otto), so you will not only be familiar with WHAT it is, and WHY to do it, but also more hands-on HOW you do it in Practice
You will get one certification diploma including LinkedIn badge in Marketing Automation and one additional badge in Otto certification
How to Maximize Google Reviews
Get the full blueprint of what you need to do to get the right Google Reviews for you. It's perfect if you'd like to implement everything yourself or need a "Make or Buy" decision-report.
How to Maximize Google Reviews including Live Practice Run
In addition to the regular course, you will also get to live trial a whole process set up for you including the e-mails, forms, landing-pages etc you need for a month to send to up to 200 live clients, with the possibility to continue without re-doing anything for easiest minimal effort.