My domain whois info says Private, or does not have my information, why? Print

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My domain whois info says Private, or does not have my information, why?

Sometimes the domains are registered with our information because we do the registration manually. This is similar to private registration, and you can change the info anytime.

IMPORTANT: You cannot request Sonican to put Private information in your domain's whois.
If you want private registration, you must email us and approve the $10 per year charge.

Also, it is not recommended to keep Private in your whois information. You need to update the whois with your own information so that you get important updates and notifications (especially renewal instructions).
Any emails intended for you, but sent to us, will not be forwarded.

Updating Whois:
Please visit your domain control panel by login.
Once logged in you will see the Domain Settings tab.
Next to that tab, click My Contact Information.
You will now see all of the contact info for your domain. You may change this and save.

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