SugarCRM - Enhanced with Automatic Sales and Marketing Automation Print

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SugarCRM system - Enhanced with Marketing Automation

CRM systems are great to give your sales process a structure. They still very much rely on the work of the Sales People, though, and it's really a pity they don't sell much on their own...

But imagine if your sales system would also serve you with eager leads and even tell you which leads are actually willing to pay for your products or services so you know where your low hanging fruit is?

It means that each sales representative often can serve up to 5 times more customers at the same time cash flow is faster and volumes grow.

More on Automatic Selling with Marketing Automation

If you want to get an update on how you actually put your business on Auto-Pilot, we recommend the taking the 2-min test that you will get for free on:


At Sonician, we provide add-on Otto modules to your SugarCRM system that will help you:

  • Automate your communication follow-up and sales process with your customers.
  • Get direct feedback on which accounts/leads/contacts show direct interest in your offering so you know where your lowest hanging fruit is.
  • Provide a Volley Marketing function, such that an inbound web-site visit from an IP-address known to belong to a particular company can trigger fetching the people of the titles of your choice from your prospects, and automatically put a question or sequence of events to them.
  • Provide a trade show followup function
  • Provide a communication function that means one person can send out invitation from all sales staff to their respective contacts, and still do it in a one-by-one fashion, and then to track contact-interaction with these, by lead-scoring them.
  • Provide a full lead capturing and lead nurturing functionality.
  • A possibility to follow the RoI on marketing investments by assigning values and pipeline-statuses automatically to clients.

Our background

Having worked with many different sales departments and CRM-systems, we have a thorough understanding of both the systems themselves, but more importantly, how systems don't do anything unless your business model is absolutely right. Apart from delivering the technical modules to get it all done, this is also where we can come in with a few hours of hands-on work and trim it even further so the best possible techniques are used to automate as much as possible. Only if you need it of course. Otherwise, we'll just suggest the tech tools needed.

So how do you turbocharge also your SugarCRM-system?

Please contact our support for information stating what is your business, your business area, and what version of the CRM-system you have if you know it. If you are looking to acquire a CRM-system, please state your brief requirements, and we may be able to help you with an advice or two from what we know of the different systems.

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