(Tracking clicks in e-mail HELP) How-to-guide on tagging links in outlook so you can track who clicks them Print

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How-to-Guide on how to use the Otto Outlook-Add-in

With the Otto Link Tagging Outlook add-in, you can tag links in a regular e-mail you send from Outlook by the click of a button.

Install like this:

  1. Close Outlook
  2. Install the add-in by clicking the setup-file.
  3. Restart Outlook

Use it like this:

  1. Write your e-mail including the html-links you want to track
  2. Use a subject-title so you can distinguish the e-mail from others, e.g.: Quote to Company XXX
  3. Add just one recipient (if you would have added more per e-mail, you wouldn't have been able to track who clicked it)
  4. Go to the TRACK-CLICKS view, and hit "TRACK CLICKS", and your links will have converted to include also variables about the recipients and the subject title
  5. Use e.g. the tracker that comes with Otto to see if a recipient has clicked your links or not.

Below you'll see an example of all the data you would be able to see per visitor:
Visit data: Example: Comment:
Visitor demouser@demoaccount.com
Subject Testing Click Tracking
Last Click 2013-02-26 17:07
Last URL http://www.sonician.com
IP address
Clicks per IP address 45 ...and you'll be able to click the number to see all the pages visited (and when)
Organisation Sonician You'll only see the names of larger organisations who have their own IP-addresses, otherwise, the name of the ISP will appear here, too. If you don't want to see these smaller organisations, there is a filter mechanism, so you can exclude these.
Region Vastra Gotaland
Country Sweden
ISP TeliaSonera AB

If I'm not interested in all visits, only those to certain pages, can I filter them out?

Yes, you can define which are your VIP (=Very Important Pages), and by the click of a checkbox, only see visits to these.

Can I tell from my web-site visits where the visitor comes from without tracking clicked links?

Yes, you will also see the users who have not necessarily clicked a link, but just plain visited your web-site in general. Then you will be able to see what page(s) they looked at, when and from which organisation they come from (if identifiable via the IP address).

Can I track also clicks from my newsletters and marketing automation drip campaigns in this way?

Absolutely. Otto comes with full-fledged e-mail newsletter and marketing automation sequences out of the box.

How do I get started?

Contact us to get your own copy of Otto today.

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